Why Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM) Is a MUST for Real Estate Marketing

MikeEvery Door Direct Mail®, Real Estate Marketing

When it comes to direct mail marketing, real estate agents have plenty of mailing options by which to reach their prospects. But the one our top-selling clients love the most is Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM) from the USPS®. Larger, cheaper, and more effective than standard mail, it’s perfectly suited to the real estate business.

Let’s Talk Strategy: You Should Be Geofarming.

EDDM makes the practice of “farming” neighborhoods so much easier and cheaper. The process is straightforward, and agents have been doing it for years: simply find a neighborhood to “farm” by bombarding it with direct mail campaigns until you generate leads. Continually mailing to the right people is a time-tested way to get more business. It’s a long-term marketing approach that pays in dividends once you’ve established constancy.

The key to farming successfully is being consistent and systematic in your approach. That’s why EDDM slots in so effectively to this strategy: it’s specifically designed for geographically targeted campaigns. That’s because…

EDDM Mails to Every Door in a Postal Route

When you send out a mailing via EDDM, it’s delivered to every home on a single postman’s route. This makes it perfect for small businesses and real estate agents who want to focus in on specific, local customers.

You can use the USPS’s easy-to-use mapping tool to zero in on the prospects you want to mail. Highlight the route you’re interested in via ZipCode, address, or city, and you’ll see every street and home where your mailing will be delivered. Select just one carrier route, or several. You can even filter by age, income, or household size using U.S. Census data – so you’ll always be laser-targeting the prospects who are most receptive to your message.

With our EDDM services, all you need to do is let us take care of it.

EDDM Reaches 20-30% More Customers – For the Same Price

Mailing direct to every door means savings in cost and hassle. Since address lists, stamps, permits or many other red-tape details are not required via EDDM, this process winds up much cheaper. For the same price you’d spend on standard mail, you can reach 20-30% more customers.

EDDM Postcards are Larger than Standard Size

In the daily kitchen table pile of cards, bills, and ads, you don’t want your postcard to get lost in the jumble. Larger-sized mailings have proven significantly more noticeable than smaller ones. That’s why agents love EDDM. For example, you can mail at a 9 x 6.5 size, rather than the standard 8.5 x 5 – for less cost!

No Stamps. No Mailing Lists. No Permits. No Hassle! We Handle EVERYTHING.

This is the big one: the #1 reason why EDDM takes the cake. Standard mail options usually require a laundry list of items and technicalities. You’d need to put together an address list, format correctly, spend money on stamps, spend time on paperwork, labels, permits… the list goes on.

With our EDDM services, all you need to do is let us take care of it. We’ll create a design that’s sure to catch eyes when it lands in the mailbox — especially if it’s personally branded. We handle the design requirements, print specifications, bundling, sorting, transporting, Post Office paperwork: all of the details. You just say, “go!” and your postcard will be in the hands of your prospects in a matter of days.

So, if EDDM is…

  • Easier
  • Cheaper
  • Larger
  • Further-reaching
  • More effective
  • Zero-hassle

…then it seems pretty simple, doesn’t it? One less Excel sheet to worry about is a win in our book, but if you’re ditching the hassle and saving money and reaching more homeowners, all at the same time? It’s a no-brainer.